Echinaforce Forte is an herbal immune booster from fresh echinacea tincture (Echinacea purpurea) which is the most widely used herb in Europe and America for faster relief of cold, runny nose and any kind of infection.
Bio-cult is an advanced probiotic supplement, the only one with a combination of 14 species of friendly bacteria.
The beneficial valuable bacteria co..
100% natural ingredientsPropolis is a precious beehive product used by bees to disinfect the beehive.APIVITA's propolis tincture is produced by macera..
Relieve sore throat and soothe coughOffer mild antiseptic and antioxidant actionContain vitamin C to strengthen the body during cold and flu; each pas..
Candies for the throat containing echinacea. They are indicated for sore throat, pharyngitis, while helping to strengthen the immune system.
Dietary supplement with fresh echinacea (Echinacea purpurea), which is used to treat colds, shingles, viruses and all kinds of infections. Unlike conv..
Echinacea helps in faster recovery from the common cold and the common cold (nasal congestion, sneezing, chills, headache, muscle pain, sore throat), ..
Herb balsam pastilles with Honey and Greek flora herbs that soothe the throat and soften the cough. They contain Echinacea, Anise and HoneyCompatible ..
Tincture with organic wicker Agnus CastusPremenstrual syndromeA. Vogel Agnus Castus tincture contains fresh organic agnus castus, an herb used for the..
A. Vogel Atrosan (Rheuma) is a dietary supplement containing organic extract of Harpagophytum procumbens.
The product consists of grapevine, the prop..
Tincture of fresh Avena Sativa (oats) that acts as a mild herbal sedative and natural neurotonic. Oats are rich in nutrients - mainly B vitamins - mak..