Important factors related to women’s hair problems and solutions
Considering the hectic and fast paced lifestyle being led by today’s women, combined with unhealthy dietary habits, hair issues are one of the most common problems being faced by them. Stress can create hair problems like dandruff, thinning of hair, falling of fall and split ends. These are some of the common and major hair issues being experienced by most of the women all over the world. Taking care of their hair has now become a tedious and challenging task for women.
The following article will help in understanding some of the common hair problems faced by women and the subsequent solutions for the same.
Dandruff/ Flaky Scalp
Lack of proper diet, infections of scalp and weakened metabolism, are some of the major reasons for women to experience dandruff of white flakes at the root of the hair. Regular oiling of hair can result in reducing dandruff problems to a great extent. Oil, when selected properly, can keep a woman’s hair nourished and free from white flakes and dandruff. Women should ensure of massaging their hair on regular basis for at least 15 to 20 minutes for effective results. Also, opting for anti-dandruff shampoo/conditioner will prove to be of great help.
Split Ends
Splitting of outer hair ends into two or three is known as hair split ends. There are various reasons for split hair ends, over usage of hair straighter and over brushing of hair, being two of the most common ones. Also, lack of using good conditioner post shampooing of hair, can lead to split hair ends. In order to get rid of hair split ends, professional trimming of hair twice or thrice a month is highly recommended. Professional hair trimming can reduce hair split ends in an easy and effective manner. There are various hair split ends serums available in the market, which prove to be effective for repairing broken and brittle hair strands, thereby making them healthy and stay hydrated.
Greasy/Dry Hair
Lack of proper maintenance of scalp is one of the major reasons for greasy or oily hair. In most cases, scalp is known to produce natural oil named sebum in excessive quantity, which results in scalp turning oily or greasy. Washing of hair every alternate day can keep excess oil and grease from hair at bay. However, frequent shampooing and washing of hair by using hard water can lead to hair turning dry and coarse. Therefore, women need to use hot oil treatment and mild shampoos/conditioners, for beating dry/greasy hair problems.
Hair fall
This is one of the most common hair problems faced by women all over the world. Hormonal changes, stress, usage of heavy medications and lifestyle, are some of the major factors which contribute towards hair fall issues. In order to combat hair fall problems, women need to limit the intake of heat generating products, apart from ensuring healthy dietary patterns.
Frizzy Hair
Fall of moisture levels leads to hair turning frizzy. There are various hair products available in the market which can help women in retaining the moisture levels of their hair.
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