Gel pentru ameliorarea dureriiCu uleiuri esentiale, mentol si camforIdeal pentru tulburari musculo-scheleticeNon-gras si non-lipiciosPotrivit de la 7 aniNu pateazaBausch Health Countercool Gel este un gel pentru calmarea durerii, cu actiune 3 in 1! Uleiurile esentiale, mentol si camfor continute in ..
Gel de vindecareAmelioreaza durereaProtejeaza impotriva reinfectariiIdeal pentru adulti si copii miciPotrivit pentru rani, arsuri si ulcereFlamigel(r) este un plasture hidroactiv sub forma de gel coloidal, care acopera si protejeaza rana.Flamigel(r) are grija de micromediul ranii. In special, datori..
Krauterhof cu actiune anticelulitica. Stimuleaza microcirculatia si
imbunatateste aspectul de coaja de portocala al pielii. In acelasi timp, ii
creste elasticitatea, lasand-o moale si hidratata. Are o textura lichida
subtire, se absoarbe usor si este potrivit pentru utilizare pe tot corpul.G..
Baby Showergel + Sampon Curatare si hidratare usoara inca de la nastere. Gel de curatare usor, special formulat pentru pielea sensibila si parul bebelusilor. Alimentat de ingrediente naturale atent selectate si agenti tensioactivi usori care curata delicat parul si corpul.Uleiurile de nuca de cocos ..
Gel-booster zilnic cu acid hialuronic Vichy Mineral 89, efect de hidratare, fortifiere si reumplere 50 mlPentru prima data Vichy a reusit performanta de a concentra Apa Termala Mineralizanta in proportie de 89% intr-o formula revolutionara de ingrijire a fetei alaturi de acidul hialuronic de origine..
Gelul antibacterian Dettol pentru maini este usor de utilizat si intr-un pachet mic de buzunar. Te poti simti in siguranta in deplasare acasa, la serviciu sau in calatorii datorita formulei speciale a gelului antibacterian Dettol pentru maini, care te protejeaza de bacteriile si virusii daunatori. O..
DescriptionPhysiologica Normal Serum in Ampoules (40 x 5ml)Physiologica saline is a solution with 0.9% sodium chloride. Sterile ampoule for nose and eyes. It has been designed in collaboration with pediatricians and ENTs, in the form of an easy-to-use sterile ampoule specifically for gentle ..
The New Bluetooth LED Body Fat Meter uses bioelectrical impedance analysis technology to estimate body fat percentage, body water percentage, visceral fat percentage, of muscle and bone mass, BMR, BMI, weight, protein, obesity, body age, LBM and to synchronize all measurements on paired de..
Harmonium Pharma Colipex Crema de corp 30 plicuri x2mlInovația pentru regenerarea pielii cu imperfecțiuniÎngrijirea pielii astringentă și decongestionantăUtil pentru zonele pielii cu imperfecțiuni, cum ar fi locurile de injecțieEfect restaurator asupra pielii: îmbunătățește aspectul acesteiaProdus u..
Flacon cu
15 grame de glucoza, vitamina B1 si manganPentru a
creste rapid nivelul de glucozaPentru
energie la sportiviAroma
placuta de portocaleFara gluten
si fara iodHarmonium
Pharma Glucosprint este un supliment alimentar cu glucoza (dextroza), Vitamina
B1 si Mangan care contribuie la funct..
Product DescriptionHarmonium Pharma Neubetix is a food supplement containing alpha-lipoic acid and B vitamins, including folic acid. The synergy between these components act against the oxidation processes in case of the neuropathy, ensuring a smooth functioning of the nervous system.
Product DescriptionHarmonium Pharma Skinbetix Foam cream 10% urea is a specific product for the treatment of very dry to cracked skin of the foot. It acts on calluses and against pressure marks and itching, accelerates the re-epithelialization process of the skin.Vita4you makes e..
DescriptionDigital blood pressure monitor wrist by Hartmann with detection of arrhythmia capability.Function: Digital
Type: Arm
Arrhythmia Indication..
Lastodur strong brown elastic bandages 10cm x 7m Hartmann High stretch elastic bandages their elasticity is about 180%.
They offer good distribution of compression for flexible fixed bandages.
They are placed in natural condition. They allow the skin to breathe and are well tolerated. Time-resista..
Lastodur strong brown elastic bandages 10cm x 7m Hartmann High stretch elastic bandages their elasticity is about 180%.
They offer good distribution of compression for flexible fixed bandages.
They are placed in natural condition. They allow the skin to breathe and are well tolerated. Time-resista..
Produse de îngrijire a pielii pentru tenul maturMănuși umede pentru paturi (baie gata)Pentru spălarea întregului corp la pacienții nopții. Eșarfe lichide fără alcool pentru o curățare blândă și profundă. Se folosesc fără apă. Datorită evaporării rapide a lichidului de pe piele, nu este necesară usca..
Incontinence DiapersReusable
UnisexFlow Level (Drops)
8Packages Included
14 pcsSize
XLargeImportant information
Specifications are collected from official manufacturer websites. Please verify the speci..
DescriptionSelf-adhesive fixing tape made of porous, transparent membrane with polyacrylic adhesive material, for protection against dirt and fixation of dressings or bandages. The adhesive and the porous structure of the membrane are 100% permeable to air and steam, protecting against skin ..
DescriptionSelf-adhesive fixing tape made of porous, transparent membrane with polyacrylic adhesive material, for protection against dirt and fixation of dressings or bandages. The adhesive and the porous structure of the membrane are 100% breathable and steam-permeable, protecting against s..
DescriptionSelf-adhesive fixing tape made of porous, transparent membrane with polyacrylic adhesive material, for protection against dirt and fixation of dressings or bandages. The adhesive and the porous structure of the membrane are 100% permeable to air and steam, protecting against skin ..
DescriptionWoven fixation tape Omniplast by Hartmann, extremely stable and durable.BenefitsHypoallergenic adhesive fixation tape.
Made of woven material in the color of the skin.
Extremely flexible and durable.Manufacturer
DescriptionWoven fixation tape Omniplast by Hartmann, extremely stable and durable.BenefitsHypoallergenic adhesive fixation tape.
Made of woven material in the color of the skin.
Extremely flexible and durable.Manufacturer
DescriptionWoven fixation tape Omniplast by Hartmann, extremely stable and durable.BenefitsHypoallergenic adhesive fixation tape.
Made of woven material in the color of the skin.
Extremely flexible and durable.Manufacturer
DescriptionHypoallergenic adhesive fixation tape, made of white synthetic silk. Designed to allow the skin to breathe while repelling water.Features & BenefitsWith adhesive material made of synthetic rubber in a striped pattern
Impregnated with water repelle..
DescriptionHypoallergenic adhesive fixation tape, made of white synthetic silk. Designed to allow the skin to breathe while repelling water.Features & BenefitsWith adhesive material made of synthetic rubber in a striped pattern
Impregnated with water repelle..
Features & BenefitsWith adhesive material made of synthetic rubber in a striped pattern
Impregnated with water repellent material
Extremely breathable
Has serrated edges for better fixation and easy cutting
Can be easily removed without leaving residue
Suitable for pati..
Dressing that minimizes the risk of leakage and injury to the wound while protecting it from bacteria. It is trauma-free as it is painlessly removed without leaving residues. It consists of a porous adhesive gauze layer, hypoallergenic and breathable, which protects against microorganisms. Its adhes..
DescriptionFull automatic digital arm blood pressure monitor with heart arrhythmia detection and comfortable air technology.BenefitsLarge screen for easy reading of measurements and cuff position control.
Instant and simple analysis of measurements using a bright i..
DescriptionBenefitsAccurate measurement thanks to Duo Sensor technology.
Measurement with sound microphone and pulse measurement.
Average of all stored measurement values.
Average of morning and evening blood pressure.
200 memory positions: 100 memory positions for each of the 2 ..
Product DescriptionAgnus castus extract
Premenstrual syndrome
Suitable for vegetarians and vegansAgnus Castus or Wicker is an herb traditionally used to relieve the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome [Approved by the European Union Committee on Herbal Medicinal Products-Cor..
Capsule Omegazon (ulei de pește Omega 3) 750 mg 30 capsule-blisterCapsulele Omegazon sunt special formulate folosind ulei de pește norvegian pentru a oferi o sursă extrem de concentrată de polinesaturați Omega-3, EPA și DHA în care sunt libere, pentru o mai bună digestibilitate, asimilare și eficaci..
Formula articulatiilorGlucozamina din crustacee, condroitinaCurcumina, MSMExtract de midii verzi, colagenVitamina C, manganHealth Aid Osteoflex Plus este un supliment alimentar pentru articulatii, in tablete cu eliberare lenta. Contine:Glucozamina (glicozamina) este un amino zahar si se gaseste in c..
Product DescriptionHedrin Protect & Go Conditioner is a prophylactic anti-infective product in the form of sprays. A conditioner in water that disrupts the life cycle of lice, preventing lethargy.
Hedrin Protect & Go Conditioner:It is easy to use
Protects and softens hair
It ..
Supliment nutritional Hubner Silicea cu silicon pentru par, piele, unghii si oase sanatoase.BeneficiiPromoveaza sanatatea si buna functionare a intregului organism.Siliciul component natural este un element vital pentru buna functionare a enzimelor necesare formarii colagenului. De asemenea, contrib..
Gelul Hubner Silicea este un gel ultrafin (coloidal) cu acid silicic, siliciul mineral (Si) combinat cu oxigen si apa.Ceea ce face gelul de acid silicic atat de special este capacitatea sa exceptionala de a lega agentii patogeni si toxinele lor in tractul gastrointestinal printr-un proces pur fizic,..
Pentru un par sanatos si stralucitor.Sampon cu biotina pentru volum vibrant si par sanatosPentru par normal pana la fin si uscat si pentru scalp sensibilFara parabeni, silicon si petrochimice.Non-OMG. Vegetarian.Acest sampon are un pH echilibrat si regleaza umiditatea in par si scalp. Siliciul miner..
DescriptionMen's bracelet by Hugo Boss made from steel.
SpecificationsMain SpecificationsGender: Men'sMaterial: SteelMaterial Colour: BlackGold Plated: NoTypeAnklet: NoMartaki: NoSet: NoFor Couples: NoSpecificationsLuck..
Simplu de preparat - Instructiuni de utilizareRespectati intocmai instructiunile de utilizare cand preparati formula de lapte. Prepararea necorespunzatoare sau pastrarea biberonului pregatit o perioada mai lunga de timp poate duce la probleme de sanatate ca urmare a dezvoltarii bacteriilor nedorite...
Inlocuitor de sare cu continut foarte scazut de sodiu, care completeaza dieta cu iod si minerale precum magneziu, calciu si potasiu.Contine 14 ierburi si legume proaspat culese...
Inlocuitor de sare, care contine 12 ierburi si legume proaspat recoltate si alge Kelp ca supliment natural de iod.Fara lactoza, gluten, aditivi sau conservanti. Potrivit pentru vegetarieni si vegani.Componente Sare de mare, telina, cardamom, usturoi, ceapa, patrunjel, hamei, rozmarin, busuioc, maghi..
Product DescriptionOral solution
With chlorhexidine 0.12%
Fights plaque and strengthens the gums
Protects teeth
No alcohol
With a taste of herbsChlorhexil 0.12% Mouthwash is an oral solution, with a strong antiseptic action for the daily hygienic care of the o..
Product DescriptionOral solution
With chlorhexidine 0.20%
Fights plaque and strengthens the gums
No alcohol
With a taste of herbsChlorhexil 0.20% Mouthwash is an oral solution, with strong antiseptic action for the daily hygienic treatment of the oral cavity..
Spray pentru protecția părului Sun Care, cu keratină, vitamina E, pre-vitamina B5, protecție UV și tehnologie care blochează culoarea, protejează părul de soare, în timp ce îl înmoaie și îl hrănește, întărește părul, în timp ce uleiurile de mușețel și avocado oferă un aspect unic strălucire...
Irigator vaginal Intim Wash cu 2 canule rigide: este destinat pentru igiena vaginala si cea anala, ajutand in prevenirea infectiilor si mentinerea unui mediu intim curat. Fabricat dintr-un material non toxic, este moale si durabil. Irigatorul vaginal este ideal pentru igiena oricarei femei. Ace..
DescriptionKlinex 4 in 1, with a chlorine-free formula, neutralizes 99.9% of bacteria and is ideal for daily use, providing hygienic cleanliness throughout the home.Disinfects without chlorine
Neutralizes 99.9% of bacteria
Cleans surfaces throughout the house
Provides a ..
Product descriptionDry shampoo
With organic aquatic mint
Cooling sensation
Without the use of water
Invisible finishKlorane Aquatic Mint Dry Shampoo is a dry shampoo that protects hair from pollution, cools the scalp and absorbs sebum. Leaves hair instantly clean a..
Product descriptionBaby moisturizing cream
With soothing calendula
97% natural composition
Takes care of the skin & protects
For normal & dry skinKlorane Bebe Moisturizing Face and Body Cream is a soothing face and body cream with a relaxing scent.
Product descriptionNappy cream
With organic calendula
Suitable from day 1
99% ingredients of natural origin
High tolerance
Vegan formulaKlorane Bebe Nappy Cream is a protective & soothing nappy cream for babies.
It repairs*, strengthens and ..