Produse ce îndeplinesc criteriile de căutare
Branduri: NOXZEMA
Gelul de dus hidratant si ingrijitor Noxzema 24hr Moisture este special conceput pentru a curata eficient pielea, protejand-o si ingrijind-o delicat, ,,blocandu-i" nivelul de umiditate pana la 24 de ore dupa baie.Compozitia sa este imbogatita cu complexul special de factori de hidratare si vitamine ..
Fără TVA:4,29€
Branduri: APIVITA
Gel de dus Tonic Mountain Tea cu uleiuri esentiale Eco pack, Apivita 500 mlProtectie impotriva stresului oxidativ - HidratareAcum produsul iubit este disponibil in ambalaje mai mari de 500 ml, cu o pompa pentru o utilizare convenabila si o sticla si mai ecologica folosind cu 38% mai putin plastic pe..
9,59€ 10,65€
Fără TVA:9,04€
Branduri: APIVITA
Protectie impotriva stresului oxidativ - HidratareGel de dus tonifiant cu uleiuri esentiale, inspirat de principiile aromaterapiei, care curata usor pielea fara a o deshidrata si, in acelasi timp, ofera protectie impotriva stresului oxidativ, datorita ceaiului grecesc de munte. Imbunatateste starea ..
6,81€ 7,57€
Fără TVA:6,43€
Branduri: APIVITA
97% origine naturalaCurata delicatPastreaza umiditatea naturalaLasa pielea usor parfumata si revitalizeazaGel de dus cu miere si aloe, inspirat de apa de toaleta usoara si racoritoare BEE MY HONEY. Curata delicat pielea fara sa o deshidrateze si in acelasi timp catifeleaza pielea datorita mierii de ..
7,64€ 8,49€
Fără TVA:7,21€
Branduri: KORRES
Un condiment verde de prospetime uluitoare, cu o atingere vibranta de coaja de lamaie Gel de dus cu spuma cremoasa cu proteine din grau si extract de Althea, ajuta la mentinerea nivelului natural de umiditate al pielii.87,5% Continut naturalTESTAT DERMATOLOGIC..
8,67€ 9,64€
Fără TVA:8,18€
Branduri: APIVITA
Apa de corp delicataCu galbenele si mierePentru copii de la 2 ani99% ingrediente de origine naturalaFara sulfatiCompozitie hipoalergenicaNu contine glutenTestat dermatologic si oftalmologicApivita Mini Bees Gentle Kids Hair & Body Wash este un gel de gel de corp pentru copii, atent conceput pent..
15,56€ 17,29€
Fără TVA:12,55€
Branduri: APIVITA
Apa de corp delicataCu galbenele si mierePentru copii de la 2 ani99% ingrediente de origine naturalaFara sulfatiCompozitie hipoalergenicaNu contine glutenTestat dermatologic si oftalmologicApivita Mini Bees Gentle Kids Hair & Body Wash este un gel de gel de corp pentru copii, atent conceput pent..
3,24€ 3,60€
Fără TVA:2,61€
Branduri: Krauterhof
Gel cu mare acțiune analgezică și antiinflamatoare pentru tratarea bolilor articulațiilor, a bolilor reumatice și a mialgiei.Gel Krauterhof cu Harpagophytum și EucaliptAcțiune analgezică și antiinflamatorie pentru durerea musculară și artrităConține extracte din plante cu mare acțiune analgezică și ..
4,70€ 5,11€
Fără TVA:3,79€
Branduri: Olvos Science
Gel de vindecareAmelioreaza durereaProtejeaza impotriva reinfectariiIdeal pentru adulti si copii miciPotrivit pentru rani, arsuri si ulcereFlamigel(r) este un plasture hidroactiv sub forma de gel coloidal, care acopera si protejeaza rana.Flamigel(r) are grija de micromediul ranii. In special, datori..
5,50€ 7,86€
Fără TVA:4,87€
Branduri: Krauterhof
Krauterhof cu actiune anticelulitica. Stimuleaza microcirculatia si
imbunatateste aspectul de coaja de portocala al pielii. In acelasi timp, ii
creste elasticitatea, lasand-o moale si hidratata. Are o textura lichida
subtire, se absoarbe usor si este potrivit pentru utilizare pe tot corpul.G..
8,11€ 11,58€
Fără TVA:6,54€
Branduri: KORRES
Baby Showergel + Sampon Curatare si hidratare usoara inca de la nastere. Gel de curatare usor, special formulat pentru pielea sensibila si parul bebelusilor. Alimentat de ingrediente naturale atent selectate si agenti tensioactivi usori care curata delicat parul si corpul.Uleiurile de nuca de cocos ..
10,82€ 12,02€
Fără TVA:10,21€
Branduri: Gifrer
DescriptionPhysiologica Normal Serum in Ampoules (40 x 5ml)Physiologica saline is a solution with 0.9% sodium chloride. Sterile ampoule for nose and eyes. It has been designed in collaboration with pediatricians and ENTs, in the form of an easy-to-use sterile ampoule specifically for gentle ..
5,71€ 7,14€
Fără TVA:4,61€
Branduri: Harmonium Pharma
Product DescriptionHarmonium Pharma Skinbetix Foam cream 10% urea is a specific product for the treatment of very dry to cracked skin of the foot. It acts on calluses and against pressure marks and itching, accelerates the re-epithelialization process of the skin.Vita4you makes e..
8,37€ 11,16€
Fără TVA:6,75€
Branduri: Hartmann
DescriptionDigital blood pressure monitor wrist by Hartmann with detection of arrhythmia capability.Function: Digital
Type: Arm
Arrhythmia Indication..
55,12€ 68,90€
Fără TVA:44,45€
Branduri: Hartmann
DescriptionSelf-adhesive fixing tape made of porous, transparent membrane with polyacrylic adhesive material, for protection against dirt and fixation of dressings or bandages. The adhesive and the porous structure of the membrane are 100% permeable to air and steam, protecting against skin ..
0,91€ 1,14€
Fără TVA:0,81€
Branduri: Hartmann
DescriptionSelf-adhesive fixing tape made of porous, transparent membrane with polyacrylic adhesive material, for protection against dirt and fixation of dressings or bandages. The adhesive and the porous structure of the membrane are 100% breathable and steam-permeable, protecting against s..
1,33€ 1,66€
Fără TVA:1,18€
Branduri: Hartmann
DescriptionSelf-adhesive fixing tape made of porous, transparent membrane with polyacrylic adhesive material, for protection against dirt and fixation of dressings or bandages. The adhesive and the porous structure of the membrane are 100% permeable to air and steam, protecting against skin ..
2,57€ 3,21€
Fără TVA:2,27€
Branduri: Hartmann
DescriptionWoven fixation tape Omniplast by Hartmann, extremely stable and durable.BenefitsHypoallergenic adhesive fixation tape.
Made of woven material in the color of the skin.
Extremely flexible and durable.Manufacturer
1,11€ 1,39€
Fără TVA:0,98€
Branduri: Hartmann
DescriptionWoven fixation tape Omniplast by Hartmann, extremely stable and durable.BenefitsHypoallergenic adhesive fixation tape.
Made of woven material in the color of the skin.
Extremely flexible and durable.Manufacturer
1,53€ 1,91€
Fără TVA:1,35€
Branduri: Hartmann
DescriptionWoven fixation tape Omniplast by Hartmann, extremely stable and durable.BenefitsHypoallergenic adhesive fixation tape.
Made of woven material in the color of the skin.
Extremely flexible and durable.Manufacturer
3,08€ 3,85€
Fără TVA:2,73€
Branduri: Hartmann
DescriptionHypoallergenic adhesive fixation tape, made of white synthetic silk. Designed to allow the skin to breathe while repelling water.Features & BenefitsWith adhesive material made of synthetic rubber in a striped pattern
Impregnated with water repelle..
1,01€ 1,26€
Fără TVA:0,89€
Branduri: Hartmann
DescriptionHypoallergenic adhesive fixation tape, made of white synthetic silk. Designed to allow the skin to breathe while repelling water.Features & BenefitsWith adhesive material made of synthetic rubber in a striped pattern
Impregnated with water repelle..
1,45€ 1,81€
Fără TVA:1,28€
Branduri: Hartmann
Features & BenefitsWith adhesive material made of synthetic rubber in a striped pattern
Impregnated with water repellent material
Extremely breathable
Has serrated edges for better fixation and easy cutting
Can be easily removed without leaving residue
Suitable for pati..
2,83€ 3,54€
Fără TVA:2,51€
Branduri: Hartmann
Dressing that minimizes the risk of leakage and injury to the wound while protecting it from bacteria. It is trauma-free as it is painlessly removed without leaving residues. It consists of a porous adhesive gauze layer, hypoallergenic and breathable, which protects against microorganisms. Its adhes..
5,11€ 6,39€
Fără TVA:4,52€
Branduri: Hartmann
DescriptionFull automatic digital arm blood pressure monitor with heart arrhythmia detection and comfortable air technology.BenefitsLarge screen for easy reading of measurements and cuff position control.
Instant and simple analysis of measurements using a bright i..
35,62€ 44,53€
Fără TVA:28,73€
Branduri: Hartmann
DescriptionBenefitsAccurate measurement thanks to Duo Sensor technology.
Measurement with sound microphone and pulse measurement.
Average of all stored measurement values.
Average of morning and evening blood pressure.
200 memory positions: 100 memory positions for each of the 2 ..
70,46€ 88,08€
Fără TVA:56,83€
Branduri: Health Aid
Product DescriptionAgnus castus extract
Premenstrual syndrome
Suitable for vegetarians and vegansAgnus Castus or Wicker is an herb traditionally used to relieve the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome [Approved by the European Union Committee on Herbal Medicinal Products-Cor..
18,77€ 22,08€
Fără TVA:15,14€
Branduri: Health Aid
Capsule Omegazon (ulei de pește Omega 3) 750 mg 30 capsule-blisterCapsulele Omegazon sunt special formulate folosind ulei de pește norvegian pentru a oferi o sursă extrem de concentrată de polinesaturați Omega-3, EPA și DHA în care sunt libere, pentru o mai bună digestibilitate, asimilare și eficaci..
17,13€ 19,03€
Fără TVA:13,81€
Branduri: Hemagel
SpecificationsProduct Detailswith Balsam: NoType: SuppositoriesUsage: HemorrhoidsQuantityPieces: 5 pcs..
Fără TVA:12,82€
Branduri: A.Vogel
Inlocuitor de sare cu continut foarte scazut de sodiu, care completeaza dieta cu iod si minerale precum magneziu, calciu si potasiu.Contine 14 ierburi si legume proaspat culese...
4,55€ 5,69€
Fără TVA:3,67€
Branduri: A.Vogel
Inlocuitor de sare, care contine 12 ierburi si legume proaspat recoltate si alge Kelp ca supliment natural de iod.Fara lactoza, gluten, aditivi sau conservanti. Potrivit pentru vegetarieni si vegani.Componente Sare de mare, telina, cardamom, usturoi, ceapa, patrunjel, hamei, rozmarin, busuioc, maghi..
5,65€ 7,06€
Fără TVA:4,55€
Branduri: INTERMED
Product DescriptionOral solution
With chlorhexidine 0.12%
Fights plaque and strengthens the gums
Protects teeth
No alcohol
With a taste of herbsChlorhexil 0.12% Mouthwash is an oral solution, with a strong antiseptic action for the daily hygienic care of the o..
9,83€ 12,29€
Fără TVA:7,93€
Branduri: INTERMED
Product DescriptionOral solution
With chlorhexidine 0.20%
Fights plaque and strengthens the gums
No alcohol
With a taste of herbsChlorhexil 0.20% Mouthwash is an oral solution, with strong antiseptic action for the daily hygienic treatment of the oral cavity..
9,83€ 12,29€
Fără TVA:7,93€
Branduri: Pic Solution
Irigator vaginal Intim Wash cu 2 canule rigide: este destinat pentru igiena vaginala si cea anala, ajutand in prevenirea infectiilor si mentinerea unui mediu intim curat. Fabricat dintr-un material non toxic, este moale si durabil. Irigatorul vaginal este ideal pentru igiena oricarei femei. Ace..
9,73€ 11,45€
Fără TVA:7,85€
Branduri: Klinex
DescriptionKlinex 4 in 1, with a chlorine-free formula, neutralizes 99.9% of bacteria and is ideal for daily use, providing hygienic cleanliness throughout the home.Disinfects without chlorine
Neutralizes 99.9% of bacteria
Cleans surfaces throughout the house
Provides a ..
4,18€ 5,22€
Fără TVA:3,94€
Branduri: KLORANE
Product descriptionDry shampoo
With organic aquatic mint
Cooling sensation
Without the use of water
Invisible finishKlorane Aquatic Mint Dry Shampoo is a dry shampoo that protects hair from pollution, cools the scalp and absorbs sebum. Leaves hair instantly clean a..
12,76€ 15,95€
Fără TVA:10,29€
Branduri: KLORANE
DescriptionThe organic solid soap klorane Bébé hydrates and gently cleanses without drying the baby's skin. Its formula, composed of 99% natural ingredients with organic calendula extract and organic plant glycerin, contributes to the balance of the skin's microbiome. With high..
7,61€ 9,51€
Fără TVA:7,18€
Branduri: KLORANE
DescriptionKlorane Dry Shampoo Ortie Brown / Dark Hair (150ml) - Dry Shampoo with Nettle for Brown / Black Hair (with Color)
The Dry Shampoo Klorane Dry Shampoo Ortie Suitable for hair with lack of volume and oiliness.PropertiesThe specialized beauty movement for brown / black hai..
12,76€ 15,95€
Fără TVA:10,29€
Branduri: KLORANE
Product descriptionBaby shower gel
For body & hair
With soothing calendula
Enriched with moisturizing agents
Relaxing aromaKlorane Bebe Gentle Cleansing Gel is a baby shower gel with soothing calendula, from organic flowers.
With biodegradable&nb..
9,92€ 12,40€
Fără TVA:9,36€
Branduri: KLORANE
Product DescriptionChildren's shampoo
81% natural composition
Facilitates the hairstyle
With peach aroma
Silicone free
No soapKlorane Junior Detangling Shampoo with peach scent is a gentle shampoo, suitable for children from 3 years and up.
Its hypoallergenic compositi..
10,38€ 12,98€
Fără TVA:8,37€
Branduri: KLORANE
Product descriptionSpray for hair untangling
With acacia honey
92% natural composition
Soothes & softens the skin
Detangles even curly hair
Does not irritate the eyesKlorane Junior Detangling Care Spray is a spray that makes hair easy to comb, designed for children'..
10,77€ 13,46€
Fără TVA:8,68€
Branduri: KLORANE
Product descriptionDry shampoo
With organic flax
For hair with volume
Without the use of water
Recyclable package
Suitable for vegansKlorane Linum Dry Shampoo is a dry shampoo that cleanses effectively without water, with powders of natural origin. This shampoo offers a rich text..
12,76€ 15,95€
Fără TVA:10,29€
Branduri: KLORANE
Product DescriptionDry shampoo
With nettle
Restores volume
Light feeling
Clean hair in one go
For oily hairKlorane Nettle Dry Shampoo Oily Hair is a dry shampoo for freshening hair, between baths, with nettle.
This is an innovative product for oily hair, which res..
11,28€ 14,10€
Fără TVA:9,10€
Branduri: KLORANE
Product DescriptionDry shampoo
With oat emulsion
Restores volume
Light feeling
Clean hair in one goKlorane Oat Milk Dry Shampoo is a dry shampoo for freshening hair, between baths, with oat lotion.
This is an innovative product for normal hair, which restores volume to ..
11,69€ 14,61€
Fără TVA:9,43€
Branduri: KLORANE
SpecificationsProduct DetailsGender
without ThemeType
Eau de ToiletteAge
50 ml..
19,15€ 23,94€
Fără TVA:15,45€
Branduri: KORRES
Product DescriptionScented showergel
With hydrating ingredients
All skin types
Daily use
88.4% ingredients of natural origin
Dermatologically testedKorres Thyme Honey Showergel is a gel to foam cleanser powered by Korres-owned toning sage extract, aloe ex..
6,66€ 7,40€
Fără TVA:6,28€
Branduri: KORRES
Șamponul Korres Almond & Linseed curăță eficient scalpul, spală bine părul și îi redă frumusețea naturală.Caracteristici:hidratează intensreduce ruperea păruluipentru un păr netedCum se utilizează:Pe părul ud, se aplică o cantitate potrivită de șampon. Se spumează și se clătește bine...
7,52€ 8,36€
Fără TVA:6,07€
Branduri: KORRES
Șamponul Korres Almond & Linseed curăță eficient scalpul, spală bine părul și îi redă frumusețea naturală.Caracteristici:hidratează intensreduce ruperea păruluipentru un păr netedCum se utilizează:Pe părul ud, se aplică o cantitate potrivită de șampon. Se spumează și se clătește bine...
15,05€ 16,72€
Fără TVA:12,14€
Branduri: KORRES
Șamponul Korres Aloe & Dittany curăță eficient scalpul, spală bine părul și îi redă frumusețea naturală.Caracteristici:hidratează intensîntărește firul de părspală părul și curăță pielea capuluiIngrediente:nu conține siliconCum se utilizează:Pe părul ud, se aplică o cantitate potrivită de șampon..
5,91€ 5,91€
Fără TVA:4,77€
Branduri: KORRES
Korres Natural Wild Rose Vitamin C Eye Cream 15mlMousse texture eye cream for 24-hour hydration, radiance and targeted action in wrinkles, swelling and dark circles. Wild Rose Oil , a valuable elixir of KORRES drugstore beauty , combined with pure Super Vitamin C and rhodiola rosea extract, helps wi..
24,67€ 27,41€
Fără TVA:19,89€